Tag Archives: Contemporary worship

Foundation Community Church Informational Video

29 Nov

FCC Set List #5 ~ 11-20-11

17 Nov

FCC Set List #5 ~ 11-20-11.

via FCC Set List #5 ~ 11-20-11.

FCC Journey So Far… 2011

13 Nov

At Our Church

24 Aug

FCC Worship Team

8 Aug

As our Worship Leader, Benson “Bing” Cope has used in desire to serve the Lord and his past musical relationships to begin to build a talented team of musicians. Even though we all come from various backgrounds, the team combines these talents to bring dynamics to the music and to lead an important role during the service. Bing has worked for several months getting this group put together and is still seeking talented musicians to contribute not only to the team but to the mission of the Foundation Community Church. The launching of a new church is such a huge undertaking but with effort and one step at a time we can make make great music and sing praises to the Lord. ✝

Everything or Nothing?

24 May

God our Father has made all things depend on faith so that whoever has faith will have everything, and whoever does not have faith will have nothing. – Martin Luther

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How Do You Witness?

22 Apr

Matthew 28:18-20  Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As we approach Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, I am reminded of the command he gave us before he was taken up into heaven.  For the sake of this short devotional, I would like to fast forward beyond the resurrection and focus on this command from Christ in Matthew 28.  When Christ actually spoke this verse he was talking to his disciples.  He knew that he was speaking to believers.  Therefore, he knew that they would understand what he was talking about.  Often times in our lives we speak to people in an effort to witness to them only to see our efforts fall short.  I have found in my experiences that understanding who you are witnessing to makes all the difference in the world.  In other words, are you trying to introduce someone to Christ, so that they may be saved, or are you teaching someone who is already a believer?  If they are already a believer, then you know you have some “wiggle room” to get a little deeper into the things of the bible.  On the other hand,  when witnessing to someone who is not a believer, then YOU SHOULD KEEP IT BASIC.  They want to hear things like Christ cares, Christ loves, Christ forgives, Christ understands…none of this is condemning.  People respond to this kind of compassion.  The unfortunate reality is, that I have often heard Christians with good intention try to witness using expressions such as, you’re a sinner, you’re going to hell, you should change your behavior, etc.  All of which is offensive, and could even be considered judgemental by some.  Generally speaking, I have found that people can’t be scared into Christianity, but they do respond to the compassion of Christ.  So if you are trying to fulfill this Great Commission in Matthew 28 given to us by Christ, remember who you are talking to and how to approach them.  It just may make the difference!


Truth vs. Revelation

5 Apr

I recently heard a sermon in which the minister briefly spoke about truth and revelation and then carried on with the rest of his message. As the message Continue reading

Back to the Basics

12 Mar

Ephesians 5:15-16  “Pay attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise people, but wise–making the most of time, because the days are evil.”

This verse of scripture from Ephesians 5 can be focused on in many different ways.  What stood out to me upon reading the verse was the part which reads “making the most of time”.  I began to reflect on moments when I do not make the most of my time.  This has lead to many adverse situations in my life.  These situations may be at work, at home, at church, or even in my daily Christian walk.  If you have been a Christian for even only a short period of time, you realize that much of your day is spent meditating on Christ.  These moments of meditation help keep us focused on the basic fundamentals of Christian living.  For me those basic fundamentals are prayer, reading of the word, and worship.  We should be doing all of these AT LEAST once a day.   It is when we get away from these fundamentals that we lose focus on Him…and losing focus on Him is not the direction that you want to be going.  So often I see Christians with good intentions begin to spend time on things that do not align with God’s will for them.  How can I recognize this you ask?  Well the Bible says in Matthew 7:16 “by their fruits you will recognize them”.  In other words I can see what your life is producing.  Christian living always produces Christ-like fruit.  If you have drifted from this way of living, then I encourage you today to get “Back to the Basics” and make the most of your time.  If you become consistant with this, Christ will begin to bless in more ways than you can imagine.

True Love Nevers Fails

21 Feb

Romans 5:7-8 “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ dies for us.”


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